Why is the Schengen Visa considered to be one of the best ones out there?…

Why is the Schengen Visa considered to be one of the best ones out there?

If you want to travel to many countries in three months, you would need a visa for each and every one of these countries but with a Schengen Visa you only need to apply once. You can learn more about the beautiful continent of Europe, and you can visit many of its countries with a Schengen visa.

What should you do in case your visa gets rejected and you can’t attend the summer course in Europe?

If you were planning to attend a summer course in your favorite field in any country in Europe but unfortunately your Schengen visa gets denied, that is okay! If you miss the deadline of the course, there will always be other courses being held next year, maybe in a more beautiful European country.

Why is health insurance important when traveling in Europe?

Tourists all around the world, but especially in Europe are targets of pick pocketing and theft, so make sure to bring your travel insurance with you, because this will cover up for the stolen items. And in case anything gets lost they will cover it up for you.

Do you need to have health insurance when traveling to the EU states?

Before traveling to any EU country make sure to have travel insurance. In case your documents or personal belongings get stolen the insurance will cover up for these items.

What is some information for Work and Travel participants?

Experience an adventure and explore the big wide world! With a Work and Travel trip, you not only improve your language skills, but also get to know your temporary home country particularly intensively through work – whether as a fruit picker on a farm, as a receptionist in a hotel or on a promotional tour in a city. The jobs often last only a few weeks or months, which gives you the opportunity to explore different areas of a country intensively. All this brings a great feeling of freedom and offers the chance to meet many new and interesting people. In order to be able to embark on this adventure with complete peace of mind, reliable insurance cover is particularly important. After all, you can also fall ill abroad and there are many other risks against which you should insure yourself. A few practical examples:
  • In a bicycle accident you injure another person.
  • Your baggage is stolen on the outward journey.
  • When picking fruit you fall off the ladder and break your arm.
  • You are seriously ill and a member of your family would like to come.
We therefore recommend that you take out complete cover, including health insurance, personal liability insurance, accident insurance and assistance insurance. All these insurances are included in a PROTRIP-WORLD insurance package. If you are under 29 years of age, you can even get PROTRIP-WORLD at a special rate.

Are you interested in more information about the current situation?

The Robert Koch Institut provides you with important information about the current coronavirus development: https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/nCoV.html (machine translated from German).

What are the advantages of the PROVISIT-VISUM?

    • Recognized insurance for Schengen visa
  • Suitable insurance protection for visitor and host
  • Health insurance without deductible
  • Online conclusion with immediate confirmation

Does your insurance cover an infection with a virus?

Fever, cough, signs of corona infection? You can rest assured. With PROVISIT’s insurance cover, you don’t need to fear high medical costs. The medical treatment of the corona virus infection is covered. In addition, PROVISIT includes coverage up to 90 days for medical expenses should you be forced to stay abroad for a longer period of time due to the infection.