What does The Heinrich Boell Stiftung offer to international students? Many organizations in Germany strive…

What does The Heinrich Boell Stiftung offer to international students?

Many organizations in Germany strive to help international students fund their studies. The most popular ones are: Heinrich Böll, DAAD, Deutschlandstipendium, Friedrich Ebert and Konrad-Adenauer. The Heinrich Böll Stiftung offers scholarships to students all over the world. At all degree levels. Every year, there are 1,200 scholarships awarded to students who usually study engineering, science, technology and mathematics.

What should you feel like if your university of choice doesn’t accept you?

If the university you applied to rejects you, allow yourself to feel disappointed and rest for a few days. It happens to all of us and even though it can be devastating, do not linger on it! Instead, try to improve and try again until you achieve your goals.

Is Berlin one of the best options to study in for international students?

Berlin provides one of the world’s best education systems. The educational level at Universities in Berlin is excellent. The biggest proof are the 200,000 international students who study there. It has many universities, private and public. Most of the degrees that you would ever want to study and a lot of choices when it comes to the language of your studies.

Is it a good idea to take a gap year as a Medicine International Student?

In case the university you wanted to attend has rejected you, you can always take a gap year. Even if you take this decision, you still need to decide if you are going to apply next year at the same university. If this is what you want, then try to get as much information as possible on the reason that university rejected you! It might be because of not having all the right documents, maybe your GPA, etc.

What are the tuition fees like in Engineering universities?

Besides their excellent teaching methods, most Engineering universities in Germany offer low to no tuition fees to all international students all over the world! The only fees might be administrative fees to cover student services.

Is the chance higher or lower of studying in Germany now?

In the last years around 90,000 foreign students started a Bachelor degree in Germany. Where 36% of all students in undergraduate studies were international students. This goes to show that every day the number is increasing with more opportunities for students all around the world.

What should you do in case you get rejected for your financial aid?

Rejection, especially when it comes to scholarships is tough. If you happen to experience it by the university you really wanted to attend, don’t be discouraged! Try to keep a positive outlook and improve yourself for the future. Keep in mind that you are in charge of your university experience so don’t let yourself down, be persistent and try again.

What do German universities offer to students who work hard?

Some students work a lot during their school years. They do that to be prepared when it is time for university. What these hardworking students need is a potential place to give them the knowledge they deserve, which they can find in German universities.