Who is one of the largest health insurance providers in Germany? TK attaches the greatest…

Who is one of the largest health insurance providers in Germany?

TK attaches the greatest importance to providing perfect service to its insured in all situations of life and offers advice concerning all questions about health and well-being at any time. The TK is particularly popular with students from abroad who have to take out public insurance during their studies in Germany. As a member of the TK, you benefit from the practical EHIC insurance card. The following video shows you how the EHIC works.

Which German Blocked Accounts are Officially Approved?

Fulfills all visa requirements! The official requirements concerning a German blocked account are complex. For example, the German right of residence and the regulations of the European Commission need to be considered. The GBA Blocked Account fulfills all visa requirements of the Federal Foreign Office. Our partner Expatrio, who provides the online conclusion of the German Blocked Account, is officially recommended by many German embassies.

What is the number of tourists that Germany had over the past few years?

Germany is one of the most visited countries in the world. With around 450 million tourists going there for many reasons. A lot of them come from non-EU countries, even outside Europe to see this beautiful and exciting place.

Will the insurance cover continue to work even in the case that the Foreign Office has issued a travel warning?

Yes, PROTRIP-WORLD’s international health insurance protects you both when traveling in countries for which the German Foreign Office has issued a travel warning and in case of illness related to a pandemic.


MANGOPAY is an online payment technology designed for marketplaces, crowdfunding platforms and sharing economy businesses. MANGOPAY provides the trustee services and payment technology underlying Expatrio’s blocked account. Expatrio’s blocked account is tailored to each customer and it enables individual accounts for each customer, including an individual IBAN. With the MANGOPAY technology, funds can be held securely for as long as needed. MANGOPAY holds an E-Money Issuer license, which enables Expatrio to accept payments, hold the funds in escrow and pay out with ease, speed and efficiency.

Which health insurance has no deductible?

“Deductible” means that the insured person is obliged to cover a part of the treatment expenses. For example, a “deductible of €25 per insured event” means that you have to pay €25 of the medical bill yourself in each case of illness. The health insurance of EDUCARE24 does not comprise a deductible.

What should you do in case you need treatment at the hospital?

During the admission, please present your insurance card and the Ärzte-Info-Ticket (medical info card) which you received with your insurance certificate. Hospitals usually contact us after the admission and the billing will be settled directly with the hospital. The policy covers emergency treatment and urgent operations within compulsory health insurance without optional services. If such inpatient treatment is not an emergency treatment, we recommend arranging the details of the planned therapy beforehand with our claims department. This way, we can help you to minimize any financial risk.

Are you able to send more than the blocked account?

You should not transfer more money than required. The total blocked amount already includes €100 buffer, all fees, and the additional basic sum if needed. If you are requested to deposit more than €800 each month by a visa authority, Expatrio needs an official document from them stating the request.