How can you work in Germany while studying as a Medicine Student? The majority of…

How can you work in Germany while studying as a Medicine Student?

The majority of international students who come to Germany to study are self financing students. Even if students are allowed to work in Germany, this is only allowed for a very limited number of hours during the holiday period. This is why you need to be prepared financially before applying for a medical degree in Germany.

What is the number of foreign students studying Medicine in Germany?

The overall number of students who graduate in medical education in Germany is 10,000 where international students make up for the majority; this number varies among different medical degrees in Germany.

What should you do after you’ve chosen what you want to study?

If you’ve decided what you want to study, check with the university’s website. See what documents they are requiring. This will help you to better know what documents you need and you will be more prepared, thus increasing the chances of getting accepted.

Is Munich one of the best cities to study in and why?

As an international student, Munich is one of the best cities to be in for your journey towards a successful career. Especially if you come from a low income country, with the opportunities that it offers at such a modest price, this place is perfect for you!

What does Germany offer when it comes to Universities?

Each study program will provide you with the specific degree you’re studying for. German universities will teach you theoretical knowledge presented in the form of many subjects. Other types of universities specialize in a particular subject. Some are colleges, some art and music universities and some offer training programs.

How much will you actually spend wile you study Medicine?

How much money you spend for attending a Medical university in Germany depends on whether you are an EU or a non-EU student. While the cost for administrative fees for EU students may go to 300 Euros, non-EU students will have to pay a certain amount for their medical education which ranges from 1,500 Euros to 3,500 Euros for one academic year.

Is it worth studying abroad as an international student?

The country’s unfamiliarity might throw you off. If you choose to study in Germany,  you needn’t worry about that. The comfort people give here is difficult to find elsewhere.

Does a Numerus Clausus affect your admission into a German university and what is it?

Meeting all the admission requirements unfortunately doesn’t always mean you can attend the undergraduate program immediately. Due to the high number of students enrolling in Germany. There are restrictions called Numerus Clausus. This means students go through a selection process to secure a spot.