What are some of the universities that are considered to be the best business degrees?…

What are some of the universities that are considered to be the best business degrees?

Berlin School of Business and Innovation, GISMA Business School, Mannheim Business School are some of the best Business universities in Germany. One other known university is the Arden University in Berlin Germany where you can study Business with a specialization in Marketing.

Is Berlin really multi cultural and is it a good choice for an international student?

Germany is a very big country in which you can find diverse cultural backgrounds. Berlin is split in 12 urban districts that each have their own history and manners. And in every district you can find sub-cultures and mini “eco-systems” which all have their own uniqueness. This is one of the reasons as to why Berlin is so highly recommended for International students.

What is the country with the most international students in Germany?

In recent years there was an increase in Chinese students in German universities by almost 7% from 30,000 students to 30,000 making China the biggest distributor of international students there.

What can you do in case of rejection?

Applying to the university of your dreams and getting rejected is difficult but don’t let that discourage you. Even if you are feeling stressed and disappointed there are other options ahead. Keep improving yourself and always try to find new information.

What is the number of International Students who have been accepted these past few years?

It is a fact that there has been a rise in the number of international students in Germany. German universities will surpass their goal of 350,000 students to be accepted. Whereas 360,000 international students enrolled in these universities!

What is the number of international students who study in Germany and where are they mostly from?

In recent years, other than 32,000 Chinese students, there were 14,000 Indians; 11,000 Russians; 10,000 Austrians; 8,000 Italians; 7,000 French; 7,000 Cameron’s; 7,000 Ukrainians; 7,000 Turkish and 7,000 Bulgarian students who enrolled in German universities.

Does studying a business degree in Germany sound attractive?

Business is one of the most attractive fields of study for many students around the world. One of the leading countries which for years has succeeded in educating millions of business students is Germany.

How flexible are universities in Berlin and do they offer variety?

There are schools in Berlin that offer online courses as well. Besides this, other courses in Berlin universities are: intensive (in the morning or afternoon), extensive (evening), super-intensive (afternoon) and private lessons. All in all, this means that you have a lot of options to choose from as most universities are very flexible.