Which is the most experienced company when it comes to German Blocked Accounts? On the…
Which is the most experienced company when it comes to German Blocked Accounts?
On the market for decades. In 1959, Dr. Siegfried Walter registered his business as insurance broker. Until then health insurance for visitors from abroad did not exist, therefore Dr. Walter developed the first insurance cover for foreign visitors in Germany. Today, DR-WALTER is an integral part of both the German and the international insurance market.Which health insurance has no deductible?
“Deductible” means that the insured person is obliged to cover a part of the treatment expenses. For example, a “deductible of €25 per insured event” means that you have to pay €25 of the medical bill yourself in each case of illness. The health insurance of EDUCARE24 does not comprise a deductible.What should you and can you do in the case of an illness?
Foreign visitors are covered by private travel health insurance. Such health insurance covers only acute medical treatment of newly occurred illnesses. Please consider the following three rules of conduct for outpatient treatments:- Please consult a general practitioner before seeing a specialist or going to hospital.
- Please provide the physician with our Ärzte-Info-Ticket (medical info card) prior to the treatment.
- Please tell your doctor that some treatments require approval and that you need a medical costs projection for these treatments.
Are your plans to work abroad as an au pair?
In this case you should at least buy the Comfort Package. Liability claims within the scope of the au pair activity are insured up to 1 million Euro. This coverage is also valid for language students who live with families with children and carry out similar activities as au pairs. However, we recommend the conclusion of the Plus Package, because it covers additional claims which can occur within the scope of an au pair activity. The key loss risk as well as damage to the host family’s property are examples of this.Why should you check the German Blocked Account?
Just click on “Open blocked account” and check out the registration process. You will see that we will clarify relevant questions with you before asking for any contact data. Don’t worry: before you really open your account, this will be pointed out to you clearly and explicitly. Just check it out.What is a blocked account?
Of course, there are various forms of blocked accounts. In this section we provide information about the blocked account you probably need if you want to study in Germany and if your home country does not belong to the European Union or the “Schengen states”. Among others, this applies to:-
- Turkey
- China
- India
- Russia
- Ukraine
- Cameroon
- Vietnam
- South Corea
- Morocco
What are some of the advantages of German student insurance?
- Immediate confirmation for your visa application
- Can be applied for from abroad
- Certificate for the university directly after online application
- Payment only after arrival in Germany