Will you costs be covered in your home country if you get infected on the…

Will you costs be covered in your home country if you get infected on the way home?

EDUCARE24 insurance coverage ends upon entry into your home country. Please contact your last insurance company in your home country to reactivate your previous insurance immediately.

Why are you asked in case you have children?

You are asked if you have children, as this has an impact on the monthly contribution. Persons without children over 23 pay a supplement to the long-term care insurance.  

Is it common for your visa to be rejected the first time?

Even if you admitted all the right documents and you did research on the Visa you needed, Germany being a demanding country can ask for other documents. If that is the case, don’t be discouraged and try again!

Will your vacation costs be covered during your stay abroad as well?

Insurance coverage also includes worldwide trips and stays abroad up to a maximum duration of six weeks, even in your home country. In case of a stay of more than six weeks, only the first six weeks are covered. Flight tickets, railway tickets or stamps in the passport can be used to verify the duration of the holiday.

Do you get the reasons as to why your visa got rejected by the embassy?

If you get your Visa rejected, don’t be discouraged, you can try again! The good side to the rejection is that once you get the letter from the embassy, you can use it to your advantage. In the letter it will be explained why you got your Visa rejected, so use that information the next time you apply!

What should you do in the even of an illness?

Primary care physicians are responsible for diagnosis and therapy and coordinate the need for further treatment. This includes assessing if they are able to carry out the treatment themselves or if it is necessary to consult a specialist. This makes it easier to coordinate therapies and to avoid that examinations are carried out twice. It furthermore helps to avoid incompatible therapies, interlink medical benefits and reduce costs. This recommendation does, of course, not apply to necessary visits of gynecologists, eye specialists, emergency physicians or doctors on call.

Will you still be covered with insurance even if the Foreign Office has issued a travel warning?

Yes, EDUCARE24’s international health insurance protects you both when traveling in countries for which the German Foreign Office has issued a travel warning and in case of illness related to a pandemic.

What type of visa is the right one for your if you have family members living in Germany?

If you have family over in Germany and you want to be with them, not only to be close to them but also to have a better life then you need to apply for a family reunion visa in order to join them.
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