What can you do in case your studies need to be postponed? You can try…
What can you do in case your studies need to be postponed?
You can try reconsidering the educational choices you have made if you can’t start attending the university you wanted to study in Berlin this year. Think of the subject you are better at and take a look at your grades.
Should you try your luck next year and instead take a gap year now?
You spent all that time and energy trying to do your best so you get accepted at that university and at the end you were greeted by failure. Fear not, rest this year, you can reapply the next one.
What study field has the most English taught programmes in Germany intended for international students?
Around 25,000 Master degrees were awarded to international students in Germany. Around 800 programs are offered in English and 350 are offered in Engineering in English! This goes to show that Germany is very open and accepting of international students all over the world.
What is the number of international students who want to receive a degree in the field of Engineering?
The wish to pursue educational dreams in Germany is present among many international students, especially for the field of Engineering. 40% of foreign students seek a degree in Engineering in Germany.
How many Bachelor Degree in Germany are taught in English?
Most of the programs in German universities are taught in German. But lately there has been seen a growing in Bachelor English-taught programs. This was seen as a response to the high number of international students in the latest years.
What is the amount of money that the Deutschlandstipendium offers to students and for how long?
The most known scholarships that are offered in Germany have to be: The Deutschlandstipendium, DAAD, Friedrich Ebert, Heinrich Böll and Konrad-Adenauer. The Deutschlandstipendium offers students 300 Euros per month for at least 2 semesters. It has provided funds for over 22,500 students and it also offers internships.
What is the number of students in Germany at the moment?
There were around 36 thousand international students studying in German universities. That number increased by 5%.
What are the most popular subjects with international students who choose to finish their Bachelor Degree in Germany?
After Engineering, the second most preferred study fields are: 1. Law. 2. Economics. And. 3. Social Sciences with 30% of international students or 104,042 looking for a degree in one of these fields.