Is it important to have a back-up plan in case of rejection? It is very…

Is it important to have a back-up plan in case of rejection?

It is very important to have as many options as possible if things don’t go as planned. Here are a few things you can do: Take a gap year, get a job to save up money, start an internship, take a course and much more! All of these options can be great for your mental health and CV depending which one you choose.  

What are the achievements that German engineering universities want to get to with their students?

A crucial aspect of studying Engineering in German universities is the practice part you have to finish which accounts for a major part of your studies. The aim of these universities is to create a skilled engineer out of you.

What is the number of foreign students studying Medicine in Germany?

The overall number of students who graduate in medical education in Germany is 10,000 where international students make up for the majority; this number varies among different medical degrees in Germany.

What is a Propaedeutic course in Germany?

Some of the German Medical Universities offer the so called “Propaedeutic Courses”. These are preparatory courses that vary among different studies because they are meant to provide students with specific knowledge of the specific field that they are planning to apply for.

What are some of the reasons international students choose Germany to study in?

There are many reasons why international students choose this amazing country. 70% choose it for its job opportunities during and after graduation, 35% choose Germany due to its free or low higher education fees and one third choose it for its world-class professors.

Is Munich one of the best cities to study in and why?

As an international student, Munich is one of the best cities to be in for your journey towards a successful career. Especially if you come from a low income country, with the opportunities that it offers at such a modest price, this place is perfect for you!

What are some of the opportunities that Munich offers?

Munich is considered home to a lot of international students, not only because it has a diverse environment but also because it offers so many opportunities for students or anyone who wants to work there.

Is it a good idea to take a gap year as a Medicine International Student?

In case the university you wanted to attend has rejected you, you can always take a gap year. Even if you take this decision, you still need to decide if you are going to apply next year at the same university. If this is what you want, then try to get as much information as possible on the reason that university rejected you! It might be because of not having all the right documents, maybe your GPA, etc.