What is the number of international and exchange students that have received a scholarship in…

What is the number of international and exchange students that have received a scholarship in the recent years?

Even though there are a lot of international students in Germany, out of all of them more than 20% have received a scholarship. Whereas, almost 70% of the exchange students were granted scholarships.

Is Berlin one of the best options to study in for international students?

Berlin provides one of the world’s best education systems. The educational level at Universities in Berlin is excellent. The biggest proof are the 200,000 international students who study there. It has many universities, private and public. Most of the degrees that you would ever want to study and a lot of choices when it comes to the language of your studies.

Should you be careful when choosing the university based on the location and will that make a difference on the amount you need to spend as an international student?

The bigger the city the more expensive it is, therefore before applying for a university make sure you check its location. Doing research on the most affordable cities in Germany would be a big help if you are an international student coming from a developing country.

What is some interesting information about Berlin that international students who want to study there should know about?

Berlin has almost 3 and a half million inhabitants, making the city Germany’s largest and Europe’s second largest city. It is no wonder why it is considered home to a high number of international students. It is one of the most developed and multi-cultural cities in Europe!

What are some of the reasons that an engineering degree in Germany is so attractive?

One of the reasons Engineering degrees attract many students in Germany is because of the flexible study modules in universities that enable you to match the program with your personal academic interests.

What is the number of engineering degrees that are offered in Germany in the English language?

With a high number of interested international students from all over the world, Engineering universities in Germany currently offer around 3,400 degree programs in Engineering, 220 of which are English-language master’s programs.

Does a Numerus Clausus affect your admission into a German university and what is it?

Meeting all the admission requirements unfortunately doesn’t always mean you can attend the undergraduate program immediately. Due to the high number of students enrolling in Germany. There are restrictions called Numerus Clausus. This means students go through a selection process to secure a spot.

What are some of the language proficiency tests that are approved by German universities?

All German universities require the scores from at least one of the following language tests: GMAT, GRE, IELTS and TOEFL. It is possible to apply with TOEFL without the GMAT ones.