What are some of the most common reasons tourists’ visas get rejected? There are many…

What are some of the most common reasons tourists’ visas get rejected?

There are many reasons for a Visa rejection. The most common ones are: poor performance at the embassy interview, insufficient proof of financial means, lack of communication skills and incomplete documents. Make sure the next time you apply, you’re prepared!

Which is the most experienced company when it comes to German Blocked Accounts?

On the market for decades. In 1959, Dr. Siegfried Walter registered his business as insurance broker. Until then health insurance for visitors from abroad did not exist, therefore Dr. Walter developed the first insurance cover for foreign visitors in Germany. Today, DR-WALTER is an integral part of both the German and the international insurance market.

Who will need a blocked account?

In general, you need a blocked account in Germany if your home country does not belong to the European Union or the Schengen states and if you want to stay in Germany for some time for specific reasons. For example, you might need a blocked account if you plan to spend some time in Germany as a student, language student or participant in an international exchange program as part of an education program.

Will the costs of medications be paid?

Any medication needs to be medically necessary or prescribed by a doctor. You will receive your medication by taking the prescription to a pharmacy. The original prescription can then be submitted to us for a refund of the costs. The policy does not cover medication that can be bought at a pharmacy for free and without a doctor’s prescription. Please note that we can only process a prescription after we received the related (doctor’s) invoice along with the diagnosis.

What can you do in case you do not receive the documents by email?

Following your application, you will immediately receive an email with your insurance certificate along with customer information and product information. If you did not receive an email, please check the mentioned email address and take a look in the SPAM folder.

Will you still be covered with insurance even if the Foreign Office has issued a travel warning?

Yes, EDUCARE24’s international health insurance protects you both when traveling in countries for which the German Foreign Office has issued a travel warning and in case of illness related to a pandemic.

Will my current health insurance be sufficient for my studies in Germany?

For students from non-European countries the answer is “no”. If you come from a non-European country, taking out a German health insurance is required by law. Without a German health insurance you will not get a visa and cannot enroll at a German university. For students from Europe the requirements are not that strict. However, we recommend you seek advice from your health insurance provider.

What can you do in the even that you start having a toothache?

Please inform your dentist about the details of your insurance coverage by providing him with our Ärzte-Info-Ticket (medical info card) prior to the treatment. In case of toothache, you usually receive immediate dental treatment. Such treatment aims to reduce pain and to treat the respective tooth. As with any other travel health insurance, the policy covers simple fillings (emergency dental treatment) for the relief of new and acute pain. For details, go to: What to do in the event of toothache?