What is the visa that you need to travel to Germany if you do not…

What is the visa that you need to travel to Germany if you do not live in the EU?

If you’re not from one of the EU countries, then unfortunately you need to apply for a German Visa in order to be able to travel there. The good thing is, around 62 countries can enter Germany without a Visa, so we suggest you check if your country is on the list!

What is some information for guest scientists after their stay abroad?

You should always keep your insurance certificate since the authorities in a number of home countries require proof of insurance for the time spent abroad.  

Which health insurance is the most practical?

It only takes a few minutes to purchase EDUCARE24 through our secure server. You will then receive the following documents:
  • an insurance certificate for your records and for submission to public authorities,
  • an insurance card for your wallet and
  • an “Ärzte-Info-Ticket” (medical info card) for direct billing with the physician.

What can you do in the even that you have liability losses?

Liability insurance deals with financial claims caused by your misconduct. Under statutory regulation, the policy covers the risks of everyday life and includes any third-party claims. Please notify us immediately in case of liability losses. Notification of liability losses is handled by: DR-WALTER GmbH Abteilung Leistung (Claims Department) Eisenerzstr. 34 53819 Neunkirchen-Seelscheid Germany Email: claims@dr-walter.com Tel: +49 (0) 2247 9194 -31 Fax: +49 (0) 2247 9194 -20

Which is the most experienced company when it comes to German Blocked Accounts?

On the market for decades. In 1959, Dr. Siegfried Walter registered his business as insurance broker. Until then health insurance for visitors from abroad did not exist, therefore Dr. Walter developed the first insurance cover for foreign visitors in Germany. Today, DR-WALTER is an integral part of both the German and the international insurance market.

Is the number of visas in Germany higher or lower now?

Even though Germany is a very open-minded country, issuing and accepting many Visas, the number of Visas being accepted went down. 15 thousand requests were denied out of more than 2  million. Fortunately, the numbers changed and only 2 and a half thousand requests were rejected out of 2 and a half million!

Will your vacation costs be covered during your stay abroad as well?

Insurance coverage also includes worldwide trips and stays abroad up to a maximum duration of six weeks, even in your home country. In case of a stay of more than six weeks, only the first six weeks are covered. Flight tickets, railway tickets or stamps in the passport can be used to verify the duration of the holiday.

What can you do in the even that you start having a toothache?

Please inform your dentist about the details of your insurance coverage by providing him with our Ärzte-Info-Ticket (medical info card) prior to the treatment. In case of toothache, you usually receive immediate dental treatment. Such treatment aims to reduce pain and to treat the respective tooth. As with any other travel health insurance, the policy covers simple fillings (emergency dental treatment) for the relief of new and acute pain. For details, go to: What to do in the event of toothache?