Will you get the reasons of your rejection from the embassy? If you get your…

Will you get the reasons of your rejection from the embassy?

If you get your Visa rejected, you will get a letter by the embassy stating the reasons why you didn’t get your Visa issued! With that information you can either try applying again or write them an appeal letter if you think your application was correct and didn’t need any more documents. Make sure before you do that you go to a counselor.

Do you want more information about viruses?

The Robert Koch Institut provides you with important information about the current development: https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/nCoV.html (machine translated from German).

In what way will your invoices be refunded?

If you submit your “Ärzte-Info-Ticket” (medical info card) to the physician or to the hospital prior to the treatment, we can settle the bill directly with the doctor or hospital. If your doctor does not want to settle the bill directly with DR-WALTER, you will receive an invoice after the treatment. For details, go to: How are your invoices refunded?

What does Germany offer to tourists from all over the world?

It is no surprise that Germany has plenty of visitors all seasons of the year. Due to the beautiful scenery, the hospitality, the eventful festivals. The wonderful food as well as the opportunities that Germany offers, people all over the world decide to apply for a German Visa!

Which German Blocked Accounts are Officially Approved?

Fulfills all visa requirements! The official requirements concerning a German blocked account are complex. For example, the German right of residence and the regulations of the European Commission need to be considered. The GBA Blocked Account fulfills all visa requirements of the Federal Foreign Office. Our partner Expatrio, who provides the online conclusion of the German Blocked Account, is officially recommended by many German embassies.

Why is DR-WALTER leading the insurance field in Germany?

DR-WALTER is one of the leading German experts in insuring stays abroad and has taken care of the insurance needs of foreign visitors in Germany for 60 years. Our almost 100 employees are well acquainted with the insurance needs of foreign students in Germany. In cooperation with Techniker Krankenkasse we have developed an insurance solution which enables students in Germany to insure themselves as quickly, easily and unbureaucratically as possible: GERMAN STUDENT INSURANCE, consisting of a private health insurance and the public health insurance of TK.

Is the right place for an international student Germany and why?

If you are a student coming from a low-income country and want to study in a place with high quality universities at a reasonable price, then Germany is the right place for you. There are different types of Visas it offers depending on how long you plan or need to stay there to finish your degree but getting the Visa opens so many opportunities not only for studying but also working.

What is the health insurance that is required by law?

Information for students and doctoral students – Compulsory insurance! In many countries of the world there are regulations on how you must insure yourself as a student or doctoral student. If you go abroad via a program – such as Erasmus Plus – the insurance cover is already given about the program. If you intend to study in the USA or Canada, you must know that many universities require that students take out health insurance through the university. At best you inform yourself at your future university how you can plan for the time of the should be insured during a stay abroad. Under no circumstances should you be without a suitable foreign insurance travel abroad. Our tip: We recommend that you take out insurance for the longest possible period of study that you are considering so that you are not suddenly left without protection and, for example, cannot continue your studies.