What is the 3-D Secure procedure like? If you pay by credit card, we use…

What is the 3-D Secure procedure like?

If you pay by credit card, we use the 3-D Secure procedure. It provides additional security for your credit card transactions and reduces the risk of fraud due to card misuse. You first enter your credit card number. A connection will then be established with the card issuer so that you can confirm your identity, for example by entering a code. If the authentication was successful, the credit card payment is executed. The 3-D Secure procedure should not be confused with your credit card’s check number (CVC). In order to use the 3-D Secure procedure, you must register with your bank/credit company, which usually takes a few days.

Will you need a blocked account for your stay in Germany?

Proof of a blocked account is usually one of the prerequisites for obtaining a visa. If you do not know whether you need a visa for your stay in Germany, please look at this official list of the Federal Foreign Office. Here you can find all countries for which a visa is required as well as additional information.

What is the number of visitors that have chosen Germany as their destination?

With around 450 million tourists, Germany certainly is one of the most visited countries in the world. It must be said that Germany is a dynamic and beautiful place like no other!

Which insurance covers all the official legal requirements?

Insurances for foreign guests have to meet many requirements. Some of the specifications which need to be given attention to are the regulations of the European Commission, the “Freizügigkeitsverordnung/EG” and Germany’s right of residence. The policy EDUCARE24 provides unlimited coverage of medical costs, thus exceeding the required coverage of 30,000 euros.

Will your health insurance be affected by a side job?

It is of no importance to EDUCARE24 insurance coverage if you have a side job in addition to your primary cause of residence. You should, however, clarify with your employer if such a side job is subject to social insurance contributions.

Which type of visa is the right type?

Because there are many types of Visas out there, be careful which one you apply to depending on the reason you want to go to Germany. If you want a new job then apply for a Job Seeker Visa, if you want to study there then the Studying & Language Learning Visa is the right one. If you want to travel around or need a visa for a short business trip to Germany, then apply for the Schengen Visa or the Tourist and Visitor Visa. And lastly, if you want to go there to be reunited with your relatives, apply for the Family Reunion Visa.

Why is the number of visitors in Germany so high every year?

With the beautiful sceneries Germany has, the wonderful food, the hospitality, the events and the opportunities that it offers not only to the people living there but to everyone no matter where they’re from. It is no surprise that Germany has a lot of visitors all year round.

Which is the most reliable and competent German blocked account?

The required minimum blocked amount for an officially approved blocked account is usually more than €10,000, so you want to be sure that your money is in good hands. Expatrio cooperates with the escrow services and payment provider MANGOPAY. MANGOPAY is an online payment technology designed for marketplaces, crowdfunding platforms and sharing economy businesses. MANGOPAY provides the trustee services and payment technology underlying Expatrio’s blocked account. Expatrio’s blocked account is tailored to each customer and it enables individual accounts for each customer, including an individual IBAN. With the MANGOPAY technology, funds can be held securely for as long as needed. MANGOPAY holds an E-Money Issuer license, which enables expatrio to accept payments, hold the funds in escrow and pay out with ease, speed and efficiency. The German Federal Foreign Office confirms that Expatrio fulfills all requirements for visa application. So the money in your blocked account and the legally secure management are in good hands with Expatrio and its partner MANGOPAY, and you can be sure that your blocked account will meet the visa requirements.